Sunday, December 18, 2011 have a birthday party celebrate my three fall birthday kiddos!

Isabella is going to be NINE on Saturday.  There are times when I am certain that she should be older.  I feel like she has been part of Mark and I forever.  But most of the time I can't believe that the time has gone so quickly.  I miss the fat little baby that would scream and scream in the middle of the night (that child had stamina I tell you!) and the toddler that would wow us with her words.  Mostly though, I enjoy watching the young lady that she is becoming: Careful, considerate, intelligent, creative, thoughtful...

Only one time before have we celebrated her birthday with friends BEFORE the holiday.  This time of year is so crazy already.  But this year, our social calendar was empty.   Why not fill the void with new-friends?

Besides, William was still bothering me that we had not yet celebrated his birthday with his friends (his birthday was back in October.  His dad was home...very special for sure; but apparently this did NOT check the 'par-tay' block)

Finally, Abbey's birthday was in between the two big kids' special days and had not forgotten this fact.  So we sang to her as well today!

Each of the kids invited about five friends from the neighborhood or school and in spite of the cold (about 19 degrees) everyone had a great time at the Watertown Zoo.

My nearly-nine-year-old!

All of the kids, especially #2, loved the presentation the zookeeper did on the animals (tarantula, hedgehog, and python).

The kids are beginning to make friends; they all are very nice kids.

watching the 'reindeer'!
The party was complete with an animal presentation, a piñata, lunch, and a brisk walk through the zoo on a lovely albeit bitter day.  I am so happy we celebrated and silly as it may sound, that we are beginning to build up our memories here at our new home...with new friends.

Happy Birthday Little Ones.


  1. you are such a good mom - what a cool idea for a party - sounded like so much fun...and I can't even believe that isabella is going to be nine! She was just a few months old the first time we met in person :) miss you!

  2. This post reminds me of Will sleeping on my belly when he was brand new. It is just one of my favorite memories of our time in Holt. You should be very proud of the amazing children you and Mark are raising.
