Thursday, December 15, 2011

...decorate gingerbread houses for Advent

...Will has been so excited to do this!

My day started especially early today.  And if you read regularly you know that getting up early is not a problem for me; but I do NOT really like to have children up with me before 7:00.

So I knew in advance this day might be a bit challenging.  I had to have the girls at daycare and Isabella at Amy's by 7:15 (no problems!) in order to make it to Will's 9:15 appointment in Syracuse on-time.  Want to take a guess as to what time the doctor rolled in?


Wish my time was billable.

The appointment was fine.  No earth-shattering revelations.  But he did tell me that Will had a fever.  Huh? I had noticed that he was looking a little pale today.  And of course he didn't eat breakfast (this should from now on always be my tell-tale sign), but

"he spoke not a word and went right on playing his video games"

If I were a good momma I might have taken him directly home after this appointment.  But he told me he was hungry...and conveniently we were very close to a very large mall.  We just went in for a few minutes.  I ONLY WANTED TO DO A LITTLE SHOPPING PEOPLE!  Wouldn't you know it...he ate two bites of the TWO tacos he had to order.  And I barely got to walk in two stores.  I tried.

Off we headed back to West Point to urgent care.  I think it is strep.  He has the same symptoms he had the last time he got so sick.  But his rapid culture is negative; so we'll wait again...and cross our fingers they treat him this time before this all turns into pneumonia again.

The next part of today's saga started two days ago...

Isabella dropped my phone in Timber's water the night before last.  It looked like it had survived the plunge...however, I let the battery die today and I cannot get it to charge.  No phone.  Again.  

She feels terrible about the whole thing.  I am not mad at her.  I do wish she would be more careful.  I think Mark wishes I would be more careful.  I am just so annoyed I have to go through the whole process to get a new phone.  It is a painful process anyway.  Want to guess how it is going to go tomorrow with three kids in tow?

Makes me want to stay home and do something more fun like...pluck all of the hair off my arm instead.

So you are probably wondering did I scrap the gingerbread house thing?  No.  As much as I might have wanted to; I felt as if we needed a little festivity to brighten the funky mood I was in.  And Ibuprofen works wonders after a couple of hours (for Will).

So we decorated ate the candy, licked our fingers, spread on frosting and very much enjoyed the festive activity.

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