Monday, September 5, 2011 reflect on what is good.

...there are so many good things.

I was having a really hard time being cheerful this evening.  My children start their first day of school tomorrow and I had VISIONS of how this evening was supposed to play out.  The vision:  By 7:30 this evening my cherubs were supposed to have been freshly scrubbed, with rosy cheeks readily awaiting their stories.  Their backpacks and shoes would be lined up at the door and their lunches would be ready in the fridge.

Let me tell you that is NOT how this evening even began much less ended.  While they may have made their lunches, we needed to search to find their lunch boxes.  Nope not door number one.  Nope not door number two.  Yea!  Success with door number three!

You get the picture.  At seven o'clock we began the quest to solve, THE CASE OF THE MISSING BACKPACK.

I think their are children's novels with titles like this.  

I worked like a detective.  I checked rooms where it should have been.  I searched boxes in rooms that were close to when the item was last seen.  I opened and searched in nearly every box in this entire home.  I asked the big kids "Where did you see this backpack at West Point?  In the front closet, in the trunk room?  Where??? TELL ME WHERE!"

Two hours.  More boxes than I care to admit.  Still no backpack.  Damn movers.

I can also tell you that my vision.....well you get the picture.  

So instead of trying to reflect on how my day ended, I wanted to reflect on what is good.  Here we go.

1) All of the help I have had with this move.  On both ends.  Meghan, Lisa, Denise, Martha, Elizabeth, Karen, Jason, Fred, Amy, Joelle....

Help is good.  Accepting and welcoming and being so thankful for it...even better.

2) Watching Isabella begin to jump in and do things just because she sees they need to be done.  The little things are the most important:  helping Audrey put her shoes on, sharing something with Will, giving Timber lots of special attention.

Caring is good. 

3)  I told Audrey that she was 'stinkin' cute'.  She said, "I not stinky momma.  Baby's is stinky!"

It is good Audrey is not stinky.

4) Will told Mark that it was so cool our house has carpet that is 'stuck to the floor'.

It is good to have carpet stuck to the floor.

5) Will told Mark that our house "EVEN COMES with a kitchen!"

It is good to have a house with a kitchen.

6) Isabella and I spent some great quality time together working on some projects.  

Concrete and spray paint are good.  Especially if you are eight.  If you are a mom appreciating that time with your daughter....they are even better.

7) Will and I were discussing the pros and cons of our new home and I was being a bit pessimistic.  

Me: "Well I miss having the six fireplaces (I know... that even reads snobby)."  
Will's response: "WELL...we only used ONE.  AND we have ONE at this house.  AaaaNnnnD all you have to do with this one is flip a switch.

Ouch.  He is right.  Switches are good.


8)  Me:  "Well at West Point we could walk from our house into town to get ice cream.  We can't walk to do that here because it is too far."

Will:  "Well here, the ice cream truck comes right to our house."

Yup.  Right again.  Ice cream truck jingle man is good.

9)  Today in the truck.  Abbey:  "I love my chapstick."  Me:  "Daddy likes chapstick just like you Abbey."  Abbey:  "He does?"  Me:  "Yes he carries it all the time."  Abbey: "Mom, can we send daddy some new chapstick.  So we can be the same.  Then he can remember me.  I love my daddy."  Me (with tears in my eyes):  "Yes Abbey. Tomorrow.  He remembers honey.  I promise."

Chapstick is good.  

10) The kids and I have had a great summer traveling and spending time together and doing fun things.  We have made a crazy move and are beginning the Fort Drum chapter.  Tomorrow, Mark left three months ago. 

Three down is good.


  1. cheers to three down, kmc. loved this post. look at your little optimists that are holding you up when you need it most!!

  2. It's pretty hard to get your brother to tear up...but Abbey did it. Hope you guys are well. I miss you.

  3. Tears in my eyes with Abbey's chapstick, Will finding the positive, Audrey knowing she shouldn't be stinky and Isabella being a helper. You have some wonderful kids! Love you all :)
