Tuesday, September 20, 2011

...to listen to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

...at 0430.

If you can't tell military time the translation is 4:30 IN THE MORNING!

Well, I didn't really want to listen to that song at that time in the morning but Abbey woke up and had to go potty.

Then Audrey had to get up and go potty.

Then they were both awake.


Everyone was awake.

Woo hoo!

And singing.

Even better.

"Twinkle Twinkle little star how i wonder...twinkle twinkle little star"

After a few unsuccessful attempts at 'shushing them' they finally quieted down and fell back asleep.

But guess who didn't?


Because just as I was getting close to going back to 'la-la' land...guess what I heard?

The first morning bugle call.  Go ahead click on the link...but try it at 0530.  Sharp.  But if you listen to it make sure to turn up your volume loudly just to give you a better idea of my life.

I love living on a military post again.