Tuesday, October 30, 2012

...to watch the kids

...enjoy my newest project

A few weeks ago before the kids were sick I was walking Timber in the woods on a trail behind our house.

I found this treasure!

I think it is/was the swinging part to an old gate.

I walked past it a few times before I finally dragged it home.
"This is going to be great!"
"Huh?" stated the peanut gallery.
I am certain Mark would have joined the naysayers.

But with a lot of help from these tools...

Several of these...

It became this...

(it is hung on the large wall on the landing between the first and second floor)

And then this...

I have enjoyed watching my children stop and remember a memory each time they go up & down the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. WTF Krissy. You could pick up milk jugs and arrange them and make them look good. So disgusting.
