Sunday, November 27, 2011 celebrate #3

...turning 4!

Oh how can it be?  Four seems like such a big girl age.

And she is such a grown up little one.

Abbey has been my baby for the longest.  She has been my slowest to grow up.  She didn't walk until she was 19 months...didn't say her first words quite as quickly as the others, and hung closer to me longer than the others have.

I didn't expect her to be so independent so quickly.  I guess I expected to stay back on the curve and I am was OK with that.  I don't know when it happened...when she gained the confidence to become her own boss.  To become everyone's boss!  She has changed into a feisty four-year-old.  A little girl that loves to play and learn and be a friend.  One that can exude a rainbow of emotions in a very short period of time.  A little girl that I love to be around...because she is so colorful.

She loves sucking her thumb, being in charge of her little sister, babies, pretend play, cooking with me, listening to stories, dancing, playing games, doing art projects, and 'writing'.  Probably in this order.

She is the first to offer to do something for her brother or one of her sister's (get a coat, pick up something off of the floor), she is the first to fall asleep at night (she requires the most sleep of all of my kiddos), and she is the first to remind me of a task I was supposed to do.  She love, love, LOVES her dad.  She mentions his every day and often thinks of something new to send him.  She is kind.  And thoughtful and true.

Happy 4th Birthday my Abbey!

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