Tuesday, March 20, 2012

...to celebrate the first day of spring

...and what a beautiful day it was!

As we begin to settle back into our routines I am back to enjoying the everyday and so Audrey and I spent the  morning running a few errands (which of course included a stop at Starbucks) and exploring Watertown a bit.

I'll admit I haven't really given this town much of a chance.  And while it is not yet rating on the top-ten-places-I-have-lived-list, but we did come across a fun surprise today....

Thompson Park

Can you believe Watertown has such a lovely play park for the kids?  I am quite excited that tomorrow is a half day for the big kids and they can all go run around and enjoy this treasure!

On a side note I just have to show off the one beautiful sign of Spring that is growing here in my home...

thank you Lisa!
My very good friend sent the best flower gift ever!  These beauties, when opened were stalks about two inches tall that were laying in the pot flat.  In just a bit over a week they have grown so incredibly tall and begun to bloom!  The kids especially have LOVED watching them grow; literally right before their eyes.

Happy Spring!

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