Tuesday, November 23, 2010

...to have more patience

I really need some work here.

I have several areas of my life I need to focus on but I am just going to list a few...

1) I need to have more patience with my dog.  I love our mutt...but I can't handle it when I walk her in the cold November evenings and she needs to find her inner 'Detective Dawg'.  A friend recently told me that a dog sniffing while they walk is much like a human reading the newspaper daily.  Many times the information is similar, but we read it nonetheless.

2) I need to have more patience with my children.  I have to remember that my oldest is only 7.  Not seventeen.  It is reasonable to have to tell her more than once, even several times, that she needs to put her clothes in the hamper.

3)   I need to have more patience while driving.  Not everyone tries to cram every minute of their day with appointments and commitments.  I need to respect this and then enjoy the views in the process.  After all, I am usually moving around one of the most beautiful campuses in the country.

4) I need to have more patience with the Army.  If I hear yet another new scenario for what my life is going to be like (in terms of when/where Mark is going to deploy) in the next three-six months I think I am going to look for the nearest bridge!  However, this is what the Army is like.  IT is not nearly as efficient as I think it should be.  But, as Mark has been known to say, "It is what it is."


5) I need to have more patience with myself.  I have to remember NOT to judge how successful my day was by the items I have checked  off my list.  Some days there are many other things people that are more important.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great job, KMC! Can't wait to catch up in the morning. love you!
