Saturday, December 28, 2013 stop moping about not being able to travel for the holidays...

...and take the kids snow tubing

In this winter wonderland that we are stuck in.


When in as the Romans.

Blazing the trails...

Audrey is bravely standing in her tube

Will and his friend kept trying to stand while they were tubing down the hill.

Some were tired...

But these two didn't want to leave...

They begged me to keep going until finally I was saved by the darkness (and the closure of the hill).

I never would have guessed we would do this activity for nearly 2 1/2 hours.  It was so much fun to get outside.  It wasn't very cold.  There were no lines.  The staff was very friendly.

I think the day was a perfect success.


  1. So bummed you weren't able to go home for the holidays but it sure looks like you guys made the most of it! Loved the kind delivery of the Christmas tree (SO sweet!) and the sledding and game nights all look like a great time. I hope your holiday was a good one despite Mark being gone and the change of plans. Thinking of you...

  2. PS. I had to do (several) double-takes of that first picture. I thought immediately that it was Isabella but also realized that she's way too big to still be that little. It was only after several looks that I realized it was Audrey. My GOODNESS to they look alike when her blond hair is covered up!!!
