Sunday, July 21, 2013 rest and relax

...from our adventurous day yesterday!

Amy and I came across a groupon for White Water Rafting.  Little did we know that Watertown has some of the most exciting and and difficult rapids in the Northeast!

There were many bends, turns, rapids, and even calm areas throughout our trip; at one of the most exciting points a person from the company took photos....

Mark and Donnie are bravely leading the raft into the rapid:

Neither of them lasted last very long:

So long my love!

Somehow Donnie made it back into the boat.  

Only to push me out a few moments later.  You can see the look of fear in my face when I recognize his intent!  He claims he was trying to help.  However, the evidence in this photo suggests otherwise.


So long brand new water shoes (if you look closely my left one is still on at this point although eventually it also comes off...the crashing water had already swallowed my right) that I bought just for this adventure.

At this point, if you can believe it there were still six people left in the raft!

Look closely...Amy is smirking in the photo.  She's one of few that have figured out how to actually stay in the boat!  

What a crazy, fun, exciting adventure!  


  1. Oh my gosh that looks like fun!!!! And scary too!! How in the world did you get back into the raft after Donnie pushed you out? Do people ever drown? Crazy!! And awesome pics!!
