Sunday, June 16, 2013 get prepared for another

...whirlwind week.

The final week!

Only one more:
Monday:  Field Day
Tuesday:  School Picnic
Wednesday: Clean-out desk day
Thursday: Half-Day

The final week of school for my children.  Frankly, I am not sure who is more or them?

No more lunches to prepare, no more uniforms to wash, no more homework folders to sign, and no more permission slips to send in.  A break from the routine of rushing to bedtime and rushing them out the door in the morning.

A break in routine.

Time to relax.

Did I just write that?

When I think about what relaxing means I generally think about sleeping in, reading a good book, sitting in the sunshine, and children playing without my intervention.

In fact not one single one of those items are planned for my near future.

If you know me and idle time, you know I have probably tried to slip in a destination adventure into our timeline.

We sure have excitement to look forward to...

Cedar Point
Detroit Tigers
Time spent in Dimondale
A visit from the Moynihan's all the way from Minnesota while we are there
Time spent with the Rose family visiting all the way from Fort Bragg, NC
Time spent in Charlotte

After all of that, my children will head to Grand Rapids for several days with their grandparents.

And finally they'll finish their two week travel-fest in Toronto, Canada where hopefully they'll reunite with their Dad (after his six-week vacation world tour TDY) at a Blue-Jays & Tigers match up.


Perhaps I should schedule in some down-time for them when they return?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should....listen to your brother once in a while and you'd get some REST!!!! I'll leave the explatives for Mark. You just had surgery. Sometimes I wish I didn't get all the brains in the family...and good looks.....and...well this is your blog so I'll stop.
