Sunday, February 3, 2013 enjoy ordinary weekend.

We didn't do anything remarkable.

No fancy meals, no fun trips, and no big projects.

It was just ordinary.

But often it is the ordinary that makes the warmest memories.

Audrey LOVES cake pops. order to make the quickest cake pop ever, we buy Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts and I put them on a stick for her (I keep these in the van).  Unfortunately, much to her disappointment, DD was out of Munchkins on Friday.

We improvised...

And now have a 'Donut Pop'.  Even better right?

Our morning continued with a stop at the thrift shop:

She loves treasures.

The girls love to play chase:

with weird things on their heads.

Will spent some time practicing his guitar:

Isabella and I worked on a puzzle:

The girls played outside:

Isabella worked on a fort:

William caught up on some reading:

Audrey did some building:

Audrey dressed up for the game this evening:

She thinks her shirt says Go Michigan!  No.  She doesn't know who is playing.

Weekends like this makes the crazy during the week so much more bearable!

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