...of living in Ann Arbor.
I think I have mentioned once or twice that moving is hard.
I don't like making new friends.
I don't like finding new routines in new places.
I simply don't like things that are hard.
I am turning a new leaf today! I am going to try to find my inner Will and Mark. They are always 'the glass is half-full' kind of people.
So here they are...the pros of Ann Arbor.
1. The kids can be at their respective schools in less than five minutes flat. Can't find the <insert item such as shoes, coat, hairbrush, mind>? Oh. Well. Crazy morning? No problem. Missed the alarm? No big deal. Five minutes = awesome.
2. Playgrounds. Tons of them. So many choices. So many different types of playground equipment. All only a walk or bike-ride away. Monkey bars. Spinny things. Fire-man poles. Wobbly bridges. Swings. Zip Lines. Parks = awesome.
3. Restaurants. Real restaurants. Any types of cuisine you can imagine are just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Burritoes. Pizza. Pasta. We can even have cookies delivered at our home until 2am! Warm cookies at 2 a.m. = Really awesome.
Sorry kids...we may never eat at McDonald's again (at least in the three years we live here).
4. Grocery stores. I am not kidding here...I have never lived in a town with so many options. I have only heard of establishments with names such as Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. They have certainly lived up to their legends in my mind. We also have Hiller's....such a lovely place!
Who calls grocery stores: LOVELY PLACES? I'll tell you...A person who has mainly shopped at only commissaries and Walmarts for the last 15 years of her life!
Finally, Ann Arbor has a Meijer (two of them!) which is a particular childhood favorite of mine.
I just may never go to a Walmart again (at least in the three years we live here).
5. No responsibilities. One of the nice things about moving to a new town is that the activity slate is clean. We have started fresh. We have very few commitments. There are no committees I am responsible for, no classroom projects I have to create, and certainly no soccer teams that I have to coach. No responsibilities = free time.
Free time = time to focus on the kids